$ 27,99
$ 27,99
$ 27,99
Rejeunesse Deep treats moderate to deep wrinkles. The purified and highly cross-linked hyaluronic acid in the filler augments the lips and corrects the face contour while restoring a rejuvenated look.
$ 27,15
/ na opakowanie
$ 25,75
/ na opakowanie
$ 24,63
/ na opakowanie
$ 23,79
/ na opakowanie
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Rejeunesse Deep filler
Rejeunesse Deep filler by Newmedic Co., Ltd. smoothes out facial lines and wrinkles. It also adds volume to the lips, corrects the face contour, and creates a more defined look. When used in non-surgical rhinoplasty, it can reshape the nose. The hyaluronic acid in the injectable has undergone refinement and is highly cross-linked. This process has made the Rejeunesse Deep free of BDDE (1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether) residue and consequently safer to use. The areas targeted by Rejeunesse Deep include cheeks, chin, lips, nose, and wrinkles – the lines on the forehead, around the nose, and mouth (laugh and nasolabial lines).
The benefits of Rejeunesse Deep with Lidocaine- Restores elasticity, provides hydration, and smoothes the skin
- Fills in deep wrinkles
- Non-animal hyaluronic acid
- Cross-linked
- longer-lasting effects
- Purified hyaluronic acid and no residual cross-linking agent (BDDE)
- Minimal reactions and complications
- Cost-effective
What are the ingredients?- Hyaluronic Acid (HA) (24mg/mL)
- lidocaine 0.3%
How to use Rejeunesse Deep?Rejeunesse Deep with Lidocaine is for professional use only. The depth and location of the injections depend on the certified practitioner’s assessment. After a consultation session, the practitioner must perform the treatment according to safety measures to prevent infections and complications. After the filler administration, the practitioner should massage the treated area for the consistent spread of the gel. . FAQWhy choose Rejeunesse Deep?
- Rejeunesse Deep filler has a CE mark because of its advanced formulation. The highly purified and cross-linked hyaluronic of the gel does not contain endotoxins or BDDE residue. This purification technology has rendered more safety for patients above 21 and minimized allergic reactions.
How long does the result last?- The results from Rejeunesse Deep with Lidocaine last about 12 to 18 months, depending on the patient’s lifestyle and the treated spot.
HA 24 mg/ml, Lidocaine 0.3%
UPHEC - opatentowana 8-fazowa technologia oczyszczania, która sprawia, że wypełniacz staje się bardziej plastyczny i odporny na biodegradację
środkowa i głęboka warstwa skóry właściwej
kości policzkowe,policzki,podbródek,głęboka warstwa skóry,twarz,usta,nos,skronie
Wskazania do zastosowania
powiększenie ust,zmarszczki marionetki,średnie zmarszczki i fałdy głębokie zmarszczki i fałdy,bruzda nosowo-wargowa,nasolaakrimalny bruzda,niechirurgiczna korekcja nosa,zmarszczki marionetki
Produkt nie jest odpowiedni do samodzielnego stosowania, ma przeciwwskazania i może być stosowany wyłącznie przez wykwalifikowanego chirurga kosmetycznego.
NewMedic Co., Ltd., Korea Południowa
Rejeunesse Deep to jednofazowy żel na bazie kwasu hialuronowego. Stosowany do korekcji średnich i głębokich zmarszczek, powiększania ust i korekcji miejsc intymnych.