Dexlevo Inc.

Dexlevo Inc. is a South Korean company, established in 2013. The company developed and patented a filler production technology based on polycaprolactone. This CESABP(Collagenesis-Enabled Solubilized Active and Biodegradable Polymer) technology implies development of polycaprolactone particles able to significantly reinforce the skin cell's collagenogenesis along with gradual degradation of particles itself, that considerably enlarge the effect from the injections. Using this technology, the company created the unique injectable product Gouri for management of skin aging. This is the first fully liquid polycaprolactone-based filler in the world. In addition, the company took part in the development of lipolytics brand - Kabelline. These lipolytics provide complex action: degrade adipocytes and impede occurrence of new fat tissue cells, that make them an effective remedy for elimination of undesired volumes.

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