Dermalax Plus is a soft filler, the main purpose of which is to correct fine lines and wrinkles while maintaining the natural appearance of patient's face. The hyaluronic acid used for this purpose is 100% biocompatible as it is naturally presents in human body. Filler Dermalax Plus is completely biodegradable - enzymes that present in human body safely dissolve filler over time. Dermalax Plus soft filler is one of the most versatile filler types, its properties such as viscoelasticity and fluidity determine the choice in favor of the product when it is necessary to inject into soft tissues. The high quality of hyaluronic acid allows you to maintain the effect of procedure for up to 12 months. Lidocaine is a mean of reducing pain during procedures. Benefits of Dermalax Plus:- unchanged density of hyaluronic acid
- uniform distribution
- minimal risks of inflammatory processes
- effectiveness immediately after the procedure
- high elasticity
- safety
- no allergic reaction
- high moisturizing effect
- biocompatibility
Scope of Dermalax Plus:- correction of superficial glabellar wrinkles
- correction of fine wrinkles in periorbital area
- correction of fine wrinkles in perioral area
- removal of crow's feet wrinkles
- bio-reinforcement
- lip volumization
HA 20 mg/ml, Lidocaine 0.3%
cheeks,chin,face,lips,nose,superficial dermal layer,temporal area
crow's feet wrinkles,fine lines,glabella wrinkles,mimic wrinkles of forehead and glabella,nasolacrimal sulcus,perioral area,periorbital area
The product is not suitable for independent use, has contraindications and can be used only by a qualified cosmetologist.
Across Co. Ltd., South Korea
Dermalax Plus is a monophasic, highly plastic filler based on hyaluronic acid. It is used for correction of superficial age-related skin changes - elimination of fine wrinkles (rhytidectomy), correction of minor defects in soft tissues of face, cheeks, cheekbones, chin.