Ultrafill Kiss
Ultrafill Kiss is a cutting-edge hyaluronic acid-based filler designed to provide precise and effective lip augmentation and enhancement. Manufactured by the South Korean Soonsu, the filler has the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid in its formulation, offering optimal density and viscosity tailored for the lip area. With its innovative hexagonal block cross-linking technique (HBCT), Ultrafill Kiss consists of 100% polymeric hyaluronic acid, ensuring long-lasting results that can endure for up to 18 months. This product is specifically crafted to address various lip-related concerns, including lip volume augmentation, correction of recessed corners, reshaping, and moisturizing of the lip skin. Additionally, the filler can be administered using either needles or cannulas, providing flexibility for different injection techniques.
Benefits of Ultrafill Kiss:
- the filler is free from endotoxins and residual traces of metals, surpassing quality control standards with 10 times better concentration parameters
- UltraFill Kiss contains lidocaine, which helps to minimize pain and discomfort during the procedure
- the pH of the solution aligns with physiological values (6.8-7.5), ensuring that the procedures are hypoallergenic and safe for a wide range of patients
Scope of UltraFill Kiss:
- lip volumization and corner plumping
- lip lifting
- lip moisturization
HA 24 mg/ml, Lidocaine 0.3%
Hexagonal block cross-linking technique (HBCT)
Wskazania do zastosowania
edges of lips elevation,powiększenie ust, konturowanie ust
Preparat nie nadaje się do samodzielnego stosowania, posiada przeciwwskazania i może być stosowany tylko przez wykwalifikowanego kosmetologa.
CosmoDerma, Inc., Korea Południowa
UltraFill Kiss is a hyaluronic acid-based filler designed to target the lip area and address various lip-related concerns, including lip volume augmentation, correction of recessed corners, reshaping, and moisturizing of the lip skin.